Tuesday, October 25, 2016
RETALIATION EXPOSED Hillary To Have Another Man In The White House & Bill Clinton Catches Her In The Act Says CitySide Comedy
CitySide Comedy , Hillary , Obama , king Stevian ,
.After the smoke clears from the last debate many didn't remember that Hillary was applauded by Obama saying Trump got swept like a 3peat. Really meaning just like an NBA final it was 3 to none for Trump.
Well to go on the attack king Stevian who plays Prophet Politics with CitySide Comedy Crew and it's newly formed comedy label CitySide Comedy put them both in their place. He was doing comedy but a lot of the comedy sayings were not funny. Not because it was bad but because it was serious. The full 10 minute will be released this Friday the 28th in partnership with CitySide Records. king Stevian who will have you laughing mostly through the whol;e 10 minutes even gave sounds of Clinton in the White House repaying Bill Clinton back for cheating with Monica L. In it Bill yelled like a little boy when he found Hillary in the White House with another man. And this is going to be the thing that is talked about by many for years to come if she wins.
This being the label's ( CitySide Comedy ) first comedy single release let's us know that it will be educational as well as funny which we all need instead of being too serious all the time. king Stevian stated a week ago that the label had launched and only 7 days later a full sinfle is being released.
You can sample the Single here - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M71M0IO
The producer got the laughter itch after watching Kevin Hart's successful movie "What Now" which featured Halle Berry and many more a list actors. king Stevian let us know that it's not all about laughter but informing the public of the news that they may missed or misinterpreted. Well we can't wait to hear the rest Friday because the snippet is too short to laugh at except the name Prophet Politic ... lol Middle name Paula and last name Tick ...lol like on a dog. this guy needs help ...lol well we'll be there listening to the download Friday or streaming it on Spotify if it's not an amazon exclusive.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Eye’s Haven’t Seen – But A Prophecy You Have Heard Jay Z & king Stevian , Weinstein Company Get’s Hungry Into Film And TV

Monday, September 19, 2016
Car Wash Jacksonville & Car Wash Tallahassee To Extend Into Couch & Home Carpet Cleaning
Car Wash Jacksonville ,Car Wash Tallahassee , Extend , ,Couch , Home ,Carpet Cleaning ,
Now before going off on the Christian business know that expansion businesswise isn't just for corporate America. Ministries in God and Christ has to be expanded too in order to reach more of the lost. Especially in a terrible time as this one.
king Stevian told sources last year that the ministry he is king of was to expand and they are doing just that. God has given him more knowledge and enlarged his territory in order to win more souls. And having more gifts is definitely doing that. Last month king Stevian's team closed on it's first property in Jacksonville, Florida and are in the start of renovations. But to add to that the subsidiaries of home carpet cleaning and couch cleaning has been added to the Auto Detailing arm in Tallahassee first and next in Jacksonville. king Stevian told many that it's been ruff and tedious but him and his team are hanging in there to get it done smoothly. Going back and forth to Jacksonville from Tallahassee each week is new to king Stevian but he says it preps him for the ride back and forth state to state and then country to country soon.
king tells us that the ministry's detailing companies have increased the price on details by 20% to cover industry cost increase and to cover the new quality work and chemicals it has. But from what we know less water is being used but more muscle too which keeps God's minister's in shape to prepare them for the highways and byways physically. king Stevian says since an investment from it's music subsidiary, the ministry and it's D.J. Wedding service has increased enormously both in Tallahassee and now in Jacksonville so being obedient to God in Christ helps a;ways.
To know more of CitySide Ministries 2 subsidiaries visit their websites below and also watch their demo videos on Youtube.
2. Party Wedding D.J. Jacksonville
4. Party Wedding D.J. Tallahassee
Christian Cartel PR
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
EXPOSED Apple & Spotify Gets Told On By king Stevian Who Shows Which One Values Music And Who Doesn't
EXPOSED , Apple ,Spotify , king Stevian,
FREE DOWNLOAD HERE of TAYLOR SWIFT LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO REVIEWWell many have been going in on YouTube a lot lately but while the fight goes on we can focus in on what the truth is on Apple and Spotify by king Stevian. And like the King Solomon from God's word aka the Holy Bible as the king says ..lol, he will give out knowledge to the masses.
He will be giving it out this Friday and gues what...lol, on their services. Now the king is playing with fire. He just gave us 4 minute a sneek peek below of the 10 minute segment. On the segement king Stevian relates himself to King Solomon in regards of wisdom. He says to many his focus after this year and this year end is to give out knowledge to sinners and saints to bring them closer to God so he's starting on a rampage to educate many while letting them know God did it for him and He can do it for you as well.
So in the 4 minute part king Stevian is showing Apple gave his label catalog of 17 songs a value of 4 cents per song out of 17 songs. He went on to say that each song got an average of 6 to 7 plays daily each out of the 17 songs. Which this is not bad for an indie label at all considering the majors llike Sony is getting $5.55 per song weekly (each song) on average for their catalog of 4.5 million songs. Which thiese figures allows indies to see that the Majors are getting on average 2,222 plays per song weekly. Which that figure breaks down to 317 stream plays per song, per day.
So king Stevian giving out this kind of info exposes the major streaming services and major label players in a major way. This also helps the indies know where they are in the loop of generating the type of millions the majors do. So while many fight about the pennies, know this if it don't makes cents with streaming it don't make sense at all in order to get to the dollars. But the full 10 minute segment where king Stevian is speaking about what Spotify values and the comparison comes out on both streaming services this Friday so stay tuned.
Listen to the 1st half of the segment here: https://www.reverbnation.com/christiancartel6/song/26480617-apple-or-spotify-which-one-values
Christian Cartel PR
Friday, August 5, 2016
Party Wedding DJ Jacksonville Launches As New Subsidiary of CitySide Music Ministries In Jacksonville Florida
Party Wedding DJ Jacksonville Launches As New Subsidiary of CitySide Music Ministries In Tallahassee Florida,
Another business added for the ministry team of CitySide but now starting in Jacksonville Florida with D.J. Stevie Tee aka king Stevian. The king states that this territory has been enlarged and he's preparing for works in the highways and byways of Duval Couty. As he embarks on a new journey back and forth to Tallahassee he begins to grab new friends in music ministry that he can trust that God allows.
Jacksonville is a place close to 1 million or more in population so that means more work for the businesses of the ministry. king Stevian told sources thathis team will still play clean music but launch other new things as part of the DJ Service in order to promote what his ministry does. As stated Weddings is the main focus then Karaoke, Birthdays, Church Functions, Concerts and Sound Rentals.
The ministry of CitySide Music Ministries now will have king Stevian's sons Stevie Tee Jr. & Curtis Michael to assist full time now along with some of his new familhy he just met. The Graphics department ( CitySide Grafixx ) will be adding a new comer who currently does flyers and designs for churches all over. king Stevian says he's looking forward real soon to jumping in to do works and spread the Gospel in this new area through all means and that his ministry will be hooking up with some Pastors in the area to do block parties and to assist them in assisting those in need.
We pray covering over king Stevian and his team through this new journey and we ask that you pray too. Congrats CitySide on your new endeavor.
To contact Party Wedding DJ Jacksonville go to their website at
Christian Cartel PR
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
BREAKING NEWS – #BreakingNews First Ever Hip Hop Pregnancy Songs Album To Be released By CitySide Music Ministries
BREAKING NEWS - #BreakingNews First Ever Hip Hop Pregnancy Songs Album To Be released By CitySide Music Ministries ,
It is prophecy that God's spirit will be poured out on all and the babies and mothers giving birth will have that spirit very soon. CitySide Ministries won't stop ministering to women. Early this year they ramped up their business with their D.J. Service doing weddings and now are reaching out again to the pregnant but in a different way.
LISTEN TO THEIR Earlier Album Release Pregnancy Birthing Album Here - https://www.amazon.com/Pregnancy-Birthing-Relaxation-Music-1/dp/B01DUOVL8C
Did we mention that this is the 1st ever Hip Hop Pregnancy Album done in Hip Hop?
Well yes that's what this is all about. No one in Hip Hop has ever done an album dedicated to mothers who are about to give birth. There are many classical and piano instrumental albums out there but none that says or embeds Hip Hop. This is for the mothers who love hip hop beats and love meditation music which this is all in one so that it satifies both sides of the fence...Classical and Hip Hop.
The album will feature 50 instrumental tracks produced by the ministry's producer D.J. Stevie Tee and all tracks will be for different purposes such as pain, fear, relaxing, meditating, prayer, fatigue, breathing and more. The tracks also will be prayed over by volunteer pastors that the ministry will include so each track will be anointed before going out on radio and in mp3 players of the women and listeners who will use the instrumental tracks for birthing.
Many don't know that ministry is more than speaking in a church , it's doing for the least of others and king Stevian the head of CitySide Ministries says that providing mothers with music that they can relate to that also soothes their mind, body and soul is ministry. (The Album will be free on Spotify) And that it is but it also gives hope to the mother that they will have a healthy pregnancy in God which will also remind them that God is present. Many might say that they don't know what they think about when giving birth besides the pain felt or the people in the room and of course seeing the baby's face for the first time. But knowing God is there gives what you see and who you are with a bigger meaning when giving birth. And know now that CitySide Music Ministries is bringing something new so that God is always remembered, acknowledged and glorified before, during and after the baby's birth.
God Did It!
Christian Cartel PR
Jay Z Celebrates & D.J. Stevie Tee Celebrates Common 20 Year Anniversary Releases – Play It Loud Album & Reasonable Doubt
Streaming Plays Double Within 1 Year For CitySide Music Ministries & CitySide Records Utilizing Spotify
spotify,publishing,money,revenues,streaming,playlist,cityside records,CSE Major Holdings Muzik,City
Well while everyone is fighting YouTube over royalty payments for their low end payouts CitySide Records and CitySide Music Ministries are enjoying the increase in their music catalog being utilized on Spotify. Doubling their song useage plays from last year.
Listen To Their WCSE Christian Rap Radio Playlist Here: https://open.spotify.com/user/stacyweaver/playlist/1AzeGTvaduPdnRBfNKC035
Last year only a certain percentage of the ministry's music catalog was being used (Listens and Sync Licensing) but as they increased the number of songs in their catalog while utilizing playlist on Spotify the useage of their songs increased close to double. The CEO told us that the goal is for all of their songs old and new to be listened to and used and that they are currently working very hard to reach that goal.
Beginning in January CitySide Records rolled out a campaign to start having listeners come and enjoy strategically made playlist, Which this was for the new beginning of a new quarter or lets say the first of 2016. Just this past week the team rolled out News Playlist Headlines for the top news stories to be read while listening to music from their catalog, along with making things seem more entertaining to the readers.
king Stevian who also announced to us this week that they had just began restructuring their ministry to a governing and administration body to assist church bodies internationally. He says this is part of the change in an upwatds direction and reaching souls for them to be won over has always been a way of the wise in God.
With the confidential numbers given to us it seems they have a long way to go in order to meet the majors but even reaching 1 , 1000 or 1 million souls thru music, they surpassed easily this quarter and many more will be touched like the garment that was touched by the woman who reached for Jesus garment in the scriptures. SEE Luke 8:43-48
Many do not know the value of using platforms such as Spotify to reach a commonn goal. But using platforms like Spotify will get more of the sinful ones involved because they get a chance to see the Christian is a everyday life under God and no matter what you do rather it's eating, dancing, working or hanging with family there needs to be something to represent God our Father who is in heaven for all to see, hear, taste and even smell. Which it's the cleanliness in that which will be used to draw them in by our Father who orders us to use it for that sole purpose.
Christian Cartel PR