Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Woman Want To Lead Men In Christian Dating Society And Men Fall With Them In Error

Many might freak out about the picture above but don't!
T5his is something serious and not being used to address every woman in church but many who claim to be a Christian. So we are going to take you on a trip that is not real to the one that is real in the eyes of God from our eyes.

Now interviewing many women and men who confess Christ and God we found that many have a desire to please God but do not know how. Instead they make their own rules that seem right in the eyes of their family, friends and church members. From the women side we found that....
Many men are into their looks and their ego while being on dating sites and just dating in general. Their more about leaving a legacy with their name on it so their kids will remember them by instead of leaving the true inheritance in Christ behind for them. The men also teach their belief which has been passed down through tradition instead of the one God the Father has for us. this includes them doing the ordaining of women pastors, calling their wives first lady which this is not God at all SEE WHAT THE WORD SAYS HERE. & MORE HERE!
Now far as the men side we found out that many woman too do not follow God's tradition instead they state they will not leave their hometowns to follow any man. they state that they have their own ministries, they also say they had a relationship with God before the man-head came and still have one and will always have one when the man-head leaves. They chase their careers and money instead of God and Christ. But when you mention it to them they say you are judging them. Do they not know that judging is going to heaven or hell or saint or sinner!! We found that each have their issues concerning the above but God is a one way God and if we stray away from that way then it's the hell way not the narrow hallway for them.
Well I can honestly say that I have encountered the majority of this from women who confess the Christ and I too know it has to be done God's way not our way. and for those that do not know God's way just follow the sayings of the Christ. If we do any of our traditions over God's then we break 2 commandments at once and that is Loving God and obeying Him as your Father (parent) SEE HERE!  and We become transgressors. SEE HERE!
So if it's not in God's word we can shut our mouths and quote only His words because this is our daily bread. And we will be filled with His holiness. This will cut out all confusion and argument in any relationship. Many bump heads because they feel God is or told them to do something in a marriage or relationship when in fact God's word shows us that the woman follows the huisband and man-head. The woman doesn't lead a man. If she is single then we can speak on this on another story but we're speaking of the two being or 2 to be one. This is why there is so much divorce because the 2 can't touch and agree or walk together. And in ending if they ...the woman do not wanna walk as Christ walked and you the man are doing it according to scripture then you do it. but oif your wife does not want to then she doesn't believe in God's word and she is a non believer in Him..our Father. But before heading out make sure you both get confirmation from at least 4 different people (including the holy ghost) about the word you disagree about. And for the men wjho do not do the same , then he is not a believer either in God or His word and remember you are not bound by that. READ IT HERE!
May God keep you all in your relationships and marriages.

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