Sunday, December 31, 2017

king Stevian To Do Review For Jay Z & Beyonce Family Feud & Launch Music Streaming Site In 2018

king Stevian, To ,Do, Review ,For, Jay Z ,&, Beyonce Family Feud Launch, New, Music Streaming,, Site ,2018 king Stevian, To ,Do, Review ,For, Jay Z ,&, Beyonce Family Feud Launch, New, Music Streaming,, Site ,2018

Jay Z song Family Feud is to be reviewed by king Stevian. The leader of COTAS or Church Of Truth And Spirit will be releasing the full audio review in a day or soon Audiomack.

The review track will be the final track on king Stevian's Sermon Teaching / Preaching album titled: the Music Industry Is Sick.

The album will feature reviews of songs by Ed Sheeran, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Shakira, Lil Pump, Kesha and Kodak Black.
king Stevian who is an Apostle, Pastor and Teacher  called by Christ to feed his sheep, raise leaders and heal the sick calls himself the nickname "The Physician"
Calling himself that reflects biblical sayings in the word where Christ stated that The sick need a physician. So king Stevian has found another way to reach sinners and give them salt in this bland world which gives music with no seasoning. king Stevian stated to many that Corporations in the music industry seek to feed the youth of our generation with negative music so that their minds will be clouded about the truth in this world causing them never to know the spiritual truth of God and how we are supposed to live in this world. Thousands in just 1 and a half months have started listening to the reviews of king Stevian's music reviews and are being fed generously.

king Stevian also has set up a new distribution system which he will expose next year to artist who seek to release music that no one will distribute to Itunes, Amazon, Spotify and others. He said that it will be similar to Jay Z Tidal, Spotify and all other streaming sites but will partner with the artist as stock owners in the company. Making the artist,Pastors and other speakers partners will possibly call many others to try the same as king. From what we know the distribution company will first carry the Jay Z Family Feud Review track then king Stevian's full album over 50 different channels for the new distribution company.

It's about time someone has launched something that will satisfy artist who are being pigeontoed. Hopefully this will pay better. But we will give you more on the details as we get them. Stay tuned!

Christian Cartel PR

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Taylor Swift Label Scares Digital Distribution Companies From Mentioning Her Name But Not In Jesus

IF YOU DO THIS They Will Shut You Down But The Sharebeast Is Doing This To Fight Back, Free MP3 Downloads

Taylor Swift has many distribution labels scared along with the record labels who control her.But one label and artist or say minister is not scared at all. king Stevian of Sharebeast Free MP3 Downloads gives the world what he encountered while trying to make positive of Taylor Swifts and a couple more major artist negative music.

Listen to the full teaching here -

When Taylor Swift and her label was releasing the song "Look What You Made Me Do", king Stevian was retaliating against the evil spirit that was on Ms. Swift by doing a Christian Review of the song. But when his label CitySide Records,CitySide Music Ministries tried to release it things got quiet while Taylor got louder..

king Stevian waited for a full month wondering why his review wasn't released on the major sites then he hearrd it from the digital distribution sites inspectors. They told him that everything was ok but the content was scary (in many words) and they didn't want to touch it. At the same time he had another album in que which was a full review track by track of Kesha's Rainbow Album. They said the same thing about that one as well.

His label found out that the music industry wants negative albums with cursing, talking down on other artist and people such as bullying but when it comes to positive thoughts, truths about the artist and their music.....well that is negative to the big labels.

So CitySide Records/CitySide Music Ministries is fighting back like a good beast The Sharebeast. The label earlier this year started giving away some of it's catalog to the public to give music lovers something free inhopes they wouldn't continue to steal the new music. The label partnered up with the same company Warner Bros. did this year to expand it's reach in Africa to let things be known. They also partnered with an ad company since most streaming likke Spotify is doing so to offset cost and to make up for loss subscribers.

king Stevian told us that in this world of digital music that we still don't have Freedom of Speech bjut Freedom to ShutUp and Be Shelved. So he is fighting back by creating hisown distribution system with the label he runs. He told us that this way he can speak when he desires and what he desires. king stevian has one single on the major distribution sites that is reaching hiundreds to thousands giving them the gospel of Christ. He says he calls the move the WWJD move (What Would Jesus Do).

In this day also we have music influencing our youth and someone needs to stand up against it and fight to stop if not all some of the youth from being like that of what is preached in our today's music society.

king Stevian has released 8 new tracks which is on his labels website (FREE) speaking against

1. Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do

2. Kodak Black - Codeine Dreaming

3. Lil Pump - Gucci Gang

4. Ed Sheeran & Beyonce - Pefect Duet

5. Kesha - Prayer

Many of the above are part 1 and part 2 reviews but are very interesting and are grabbing many sinners to hear the truth.


Christian Cartel PR


king Stevian in picture below:

.king Stevian ,, Taylor Swift Illuminati, Kesha Prayer.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Taylor Swift Gets Attacked, Lyrics, Video Messages, Devil, Transforms Into An ,Angel Of Light,Illuminati, News

FREE TRACK DOWNLOAD - Taylor Swift "Look What You Made Me Do Review" 

Taylor Swift Gets Attacked, Lyrics, Video Messages, Devil, Transforms Into An ,Angel Of Light,Illuminati, News Taylor Swift Gets Attacked For Her Lyrics And Video Messages Devil Transforms Into An Angel Of Light - Illuminati News
Well after making songs and videos trying to relate to the things that has and will happen in the Word of God, Taylor Swift gets attacked.
king Stevian and Queen Faye has many hundreds to thousands listening to the truth about what Taylor Swift is really doing. Many do not know that every since her first video from Reputation that she portraying herself as a dark spirit being transformed into an angel of light. Who is this ? ? ? Well of course Satan!
If this is her reputation she needs to take a listen (If she hasn't already) to what king Stevian and Queen Faye (THE WHAT WOULD JESUS DO CREW) has to say. The two tag team  on decoding the first video as they prepare for the 2nd this week giving the spiritual truth and insight on what the director and Taylor is really saying.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Car Wash Grand Rapids & Car Wash Ann Arbor Is Launched By CitySide Ministries In Michigan Can It Help The Homeless?


Car Wash Grand Rapids & Car Wash Ann Arbor Is Launched By CitySide Ministries In Michigan ,

To keep things moving towards their ministry goal king Stevian & Queen Faye of CitySide Ministries have launched Car Wash Grand Rapids and Car Wash Ann Arbor. With the goal of launching in 500 locations where ministry homes will be located and operated by called and chosen leaders, these placements will be the business foundations of each city.

The locations are being built to assist those who are in need of jobs, those who are hopeless and homeless in main hopes of bringing and keeping them in Christ. king Stevian launched the first mobile detail / car wash company in 2005 of December but later was told by God to convert it along with the other businesses he owned to and for the purpose of ministry in which he did.

After working the mobile auto detailing business for the purpose of raising funds to expand the ministry international he was given the vision of placing ministry homes in 50 states with 10 locations in each state. To help do the same that helped him establish the Jacksonville and Tallahassee locations the system is currently being used for that of the Georgia & Michigan locations.

To have a ministry that has workers to support their ministry and not depend on the followers shows a deep imitation of Paul the Apostle and Christ who depended on the faith in God's word. king Stevian tells sources that he walks by faith and not by sight in order to take care of the entire ministry.

You can view the ministry's 2 new locations by visiting their website(s) here -



Congrats to CitySide Ministries for moving forward in what God has for them and the world.

God Bless & Praises to God!

Christian Cartel PR
