Monday, August 31, 2015

Cop Killed Execution Style – king Stevian To Release 1000 Classical Music Songs This Month Like Mozart & Beethoven


mozart beethoven , king stevian , cop killed , execution style , breaking news ,

Are we in a place now where life doesn't matter anymore? Or is this warning before destruction by the word of God...Judge for yourselves. The Sergent who was fellow to the officer that died said it right stop with the just Bleack Life Matters because all life matters.

I don't know the reason why the guy took the officers' life but if it was he was fed up with life he could have waited on Satan to take his because for those that don't know there is life here on earth and in Jesus Christ but note this and never forget this..... There is a death here on earth and a forever lasting death which is pain in hell. We need to think about others befor acting, the kids of that officer did not deserve that and the world certainly didn't. What if that officer did a sin before getting killed like cursing someone out, or going against he has no way to repent because his life was taken. But God forbid that was the case. We never know where a person is before their life ends this is why we should love 1 another and always pray for those who are in sin so their life is saved in Christ and on earth. Let's love one another and God will give His 4ever abundantly love to to you.

R.I.P. Officer Darren Goforth

In other news it's been found that Christian Rap artist is releasing a heap of Classical Music Albums before the release of his last Christian Rap album. FREE DOWNLOAD HERE of TAYLOR SWIFT LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO REVIEW

He says that each album tells a story of what he is feeling since he is in story telling mode. The 1st album which is out now FREE in Africa but can be still accessable for Americans as well and will be available this friday in the SA on all digital sites. The 1st album titled Classical Music is a story of a king waking up in the morning to be called to war as he has expectations of coming back home to celebrate and make love to his wife the last track The Sleep ends his journey not with just sleep from a hard days work but with a message to all as he is crept up on and killed quietly, to always be ready and protected. king stevian says that there will be YouTube Video Page Stories to go with the Classical Music which will explain each part of the story as each song plays it's part. He says listeners just have to use their imagination. The Classical Music Tracklist is below along with the first single titled

Shatter Me (Love Dance) - FREE DOWNLOAD -

(Listen to any of the track by clicking title)

Track 1. The Awakening

Track 2. War Salute

Track 3. War Preparation

Track 4. Sneaky

Track 5. Until Death

Track 6. Dance Preparation

Track 7. Dance

Track 8. Family Fun Dance

Track 9. Love Dance

Track 10. Christian's Romance

Track 11. The Sleep

Friday, August 21, 2015

September 2015 World End Prophecies Have Been Canceled While Christian Cartel PR Adds Audio News


September 2015 World End Prophecies Have Been Canceled While Christian Cartel PR Adds Audio News,

 Christian Cartel PR Audio News


Well with people predicting the world is going to end we at Christian Cartel think they need to think that of some countries. Well let's look at it but before that know that we are expanding to audio news like Facebook has expanded into video. So you and many can download our latest news for free as a mp3 so you can spread the news to people who can't read or don't want to maybe because they have no internet...Just forward them this link to download any of our shows on a weekly and daily basis.

Christian Cartel will be releasing over 150,000 news shows on a yearly basis with host king Stevian starting tomorrow including this report here.

But to finish note that many countries are in a ton of debt and going under even the USA is especially China even as they munipulate their currency to devalue ours and Africa's.

The USA knows that they are trying to go under this one world order...One currency thing and that Russia don't want to join in like a couple other countries don't so what then........? They are preparing for World War III and is preparing to send troops over to Russia claiming that it's because of Nuclear ...but that's crap. the word of God speaks about rumors of wars in this end which leads me to the title of this article..... September 2015!!!

Notice that Scientist and Tech Companies are trying to find ways to go to Mars faster than ever and seek life on other planets...WHYYYYY?????? Well it's because they one are trying to avoid God and what was spoken. If anyone says that these government officials don't believe in Christ something is terribly wrong because why else do all this. folks the flesh can't avoid the spiritual no one can stop God from breathing life into them when they are in the womb but God allows and disallows all things to happen..even when it comes to that pesty devil..Satan and the Illuminati he runs.

Google, Facebook and other tech companies are trying to create all this tech stuff to avoid the spoken but know just as a clock can stop ticking then all tech can stop as well.

In God's word it states:

Matthew 24:36King James Version (KJV)

36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Enjoy the song below for inspiration! God Blesses To Eveyone.

Christian Cartel PR
